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  • ■New Year's Festival 歳旦祭(SAITAN-SAI) Jan.1  PHOTOS

    People visit a shrine in order to pray New Year's wishes for health and happiness.


    ■Setsubunsai 節分祭 Feb.3

    People who is in their critical year(YAKUDISHI), visit a shrine in order to get rid of bad luck.

    ■Spring Fesival 大国祭(春大祭) Sunday before Jan.22 of old calender PHOTOS

    This festival is one of the three most renowned festival in Kochi and lots of people come from all over japan (approximately 100,000 people) to celebrate with us.
    People receive a FUKUDAWARA which is the peculiar amulet of our shrine, and pray happiness.
    SHISHIMAI and OOKUNINUSHI-NO-MAI are dedicated and enliven the festival.


    ■Summer Festival 夏まつり May.22 of old calender PHOTOS

    Exhibition of flower,kids paintings,a picture-story show and FUKUNOKAMI-ONDO(dance) are dedicated.


    ■WANUKESAMA わぬけさま(夏越祭) June.30 PHOTOS

    People pass through a cogon grass ring as a purification rites in order to get rid of defilement or uncleanness of passed half year.


    ■SHICHI-GO-SAN Festival 七五三祭 November.15

    Celebrate a growth of boys of three and five years old ,and girls of three and seven years old.

    ■Autumn Festival 秋大祭 November.23  PHOTOS

    At this festival, we parade through the town from the shrine to OTABISHIO.
    OTABISHO is a place where the sacred palanquin is lodged during a ceremony.

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